PDHPROEngineer is a division of Gregory Enterprises.
We are a full service Continuing Education and Engineering Company.
This course series will provide continuing education information and introduction to one of the fastest growing engineering consulting businesses in the United States….Construction Defect Engineering. Everyday Television and Newspapers report the growing trend in consumer complaints and case histories of poor or hazardous construction. The fact is that Consumers are being made aware of the deficiencies in construction and they are searching for Professional Engineers for help. This course series covers the business end of adding a service to your Company that has a base fee of $3000.00 to $5000.00 per residential structure to the actual procedures required to complete an analysis. This course series represents 30 years of Defect Engineering Experience. Our new E-Learning Program is the best way to earn approved PDH credit and step into the fastest growing engineering consulting business in the United States.
Course Listing
Construction Defect Engineering Course Series
Construction Defect Analysis Part I 5PDH
This course provides an insight to one of the fastest growing engineering consulting businesses in the United States….Construction Defect Analysis. This class is an introduction into the Construction Defect Engineering. From the business end of adding a service that has a base fee of $3000.00 per residential structure to the actual procedures required to complete an analysis. This course walks an engineer through an actual evaluation from roof to foundation of a new home.
Mechanical Fasteners Part I 5PDH
This course was written to inform Professional Engineers and State Building Code Inspectors of one of the most hazardous construction defect items in the industry. The improper installation of mechanical fasteners and hangers is the number one construction mistake that endangers public safety. Over the last five years numerous homes have collapsed, beams have dropped into bedrooms, decks have collapsed and roof systems have failed due to this industry wide defect. This is a course is a must for construction engineers or for any engineer.
New Construction Part I 5PDH
This course concentrates on the engineering evaluation of a completed new home before it has been occupied. Part I of this two part series walks the engineer through common construction defect analysis focusing on Brick veneer and foundation evaluation. This course will familiarize the Construction Engineer with common defects and provide inspection techniques and procedures. Would you be amazed to know that 30% of new brick home are constructed without foundation base flashing or weep holes or that 40% of new home have some misalign of loads or improper beam end bearing? Let us inform or update you on the newest inspection procedures that keep you up to date with common new construction defects.
New Construction Part II 5PDH
This course concentrates on the engineering evaluation of a completed new home before it has been occupied. Part II of this two part series walks the engineer through common construction defect analysis focusing on Cultured Stone veneer, foundation and interior evaluation. This course will familiarize the Construction Engineer with common defects and provide inspection techniques and procedures. Cultured Stone is predicted to be the next EIFS by the all major construction defect Engineering Companies and even the Journal of Light Construction. Would you be amazed to know that 90% of all cultured stone exterior cladding is not installed to prevent water penetration and accumulation in the walls of a home or building. New homes less than 4 years old have been found to have wood damage and unsafe levels of mold/mildew related to the improper installation of this product.
Bio-deterioration of Wood 5 PDH
This course provides a technical background to understand and identify wood deterioration from insects and moisture related fungi. The goal of the course is to provide engineers with the ability to understand, identify, and evaluate structural damage caused by insects and wood destroying fungi. Most people think that structural wood damage would only be found in homes that were neglected or were over 50 years old. The fact is that wood destroying fungi can cause major damage in a home in just a few years. Learn to recognize, identify, and evaluate wood damage from insects or wood fungi.
The Electrical System 5 PDH
This course was designed to take the how and why out of the residential electrical system. With emphasis on electrical theory, grounding, and bonding, this course introduces the Construction Engineer to the world of electricity. Not only will this course inform you, it will give you valuable information to keep you safe when dealing with electricity.
Foundation Failure & Repair 10 PDH
This course provides the technical background needed to understand the behavior and failure modes for foundations of residential and light commercial structures. The goal of the course is to provide engineers with the ability to understand, identify, and evaluate structural damage caused by soil failure and how to distinguish it from other modes of failure. Today many foundation repair companies propose to repair all foundation distress with helical piers even if it is not the correct repair method. This course will explain when monitoring is acceptable and when a repair is needed. Step by step approaches on how to evaluate, determine, and specify repairs for foundations under distress are presented.